How Technology Effects Human Life
There is no doubt that technology positively affects human life. Where computers were once operated by giving commands or extensive programming, AI has made them autonomous.
If we look at the growing trend of AI, it feels like technology has hijacked people's minds. In other words, some argue that AI may be reducing our reliance...
Harmful Effects of Mobile Phones on Children’s Health
Constant exposure to mobile phones, can have severely harmful effects on children's health and it leads to increased anxiety and stress due to continuous notifications and social media engagement, which often disrupts sleep. Moreover, excessive online interaction hampers the development of social skills, causing children to struggle with real-world relationships and empathy. This ultimately...
How to Manage a Healthy Screen Time for Kids
"It’s bedtime, and you ask your child to go to bed, but they’re still engrossed in their tablet or smartphone. When you force them to turn it off, they respond with frustration or stubbornness. It's a common problem for today's parents. Many parents are cautious about the screen time of kids that is impacting...
Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
The relationship between social media impact and our teenagers is getting worse. A study shows over 6,500 teenagers found that spending more than 30 minutes on social media on a daily basis increased the risk of depression and anxiety symptoms, as well as bullying and memory loss issues. In...
Side effects of PubG Game
(Read Time 12min)
An Incident in Jhang : A Tragic PUBG-Related Killing
On an ordinary day, I received a social media post from a friend that left me completely astounded. A post described a terrible event in Jhang, Atharahazari, Punjab, Pakistan. A brother killed his sister for stopping him from playing the...
Students Mental Health
Important Facts About Students Mental Health
Students act as a bright light for the development of any country. If any society stops paying attention to its students, there is no doubt that the destruction of that society is certain. Although students face many issues, the most significant problem they encounter in today's digital age is...
How to Develop Leadership Skills in Children – 10 Practices
Parents always want their children to live successful lives and achieve success in every field. Therefore, they train their children in ways that help them lead successful lives. It has been observed that many children, by the time they reach adolescence, have already compromised their lives or have become aimless. Today, we will discuss...
How technology Hijacks People Mind
( 7min read )
Have you heard How technology Hijacks People Mind? Definitely your answer will be in negative sense but when you will read this article you will be one of those whose mind has been hijacked
As we know that the era in which we're living is called the "The Digital Age" if we...
10 Good Reasons Why Children Should Have Mobile Phones
While there are valid concerns about the potential drawbacks of children using mobile phones, there are also compelling 10 good reasons why children should have mobile phones. Mobile phones can provide children with increased safety, improved communication with parents, educational opportunities, and even avenues for personal growth and achievement. When used responsibly and with...
Understanding and Managing Attention-Seeking Behavior in Children
Understanding and Managing Attention-Seeking Behavior in Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Caregivers
This guide provides parents and caregivers with effective strategies to address attention-seeking behavior in children. Whether your child is engaging in attention-seeking to be the center of attention, acting out with a tantrum, or trying to communicate unmet emotional needs, understanding...
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